Oct 11, 2005 19:23
OMG that smliey is GROSS!
Oct 11, 2005 19:23
testo pesto pasta smiley
Oct 10, 2005 19:45
happy thanksgiving, y'all! i have so much to be thankful for. my freinds and family *cougherteieoticklekatiebandkatiekrock* lotsa food, and whipped cream! and, again, thx so much katieb! you rully are the coolest!
Oct 10, 2005 10:16
Yesterday we went to Toronto. I wuld have told you yesterday, journal, but we came home pretty late ;). My sister katie got a pair of converse all-star high-tops, and they rully rock! we took the subway and th street car back home, and i had a lot of fun!
Oct 09, 2005 10:12
Thanksgiving is tommorow! tomorow! tomorow! thanksgiving is tommorow!
Oct 08, 2005 19:42
today me and my *older* sister katie went to the movies. alone. this is the first time i have gone to a movie alone! my mom droppd us off and picked us up but we were
Oct 06, 2005 19:39
i just verified my username. YIPEE! now i can cange my colors! like my new ones?
Oct 06, 2005 16:01
hey sup hommie? today was boring... sort of. i mean on a scale on 1 to ten, this day would be a... um.... ok i admit it MY LIFE IS THE MOST DULL EVER!