-What species is your character?: Homunculus - an artificial human created using alchemy.
- Would other characters be able to sense your character's species? Yep.
- Psychic abilities, reading souls, reading minds and thoughts, imprinting, subliminal stimuli and others: I’m fine with reading her soul and thoughts at the time, but if your character is going to see something more personal i.e. plans/plots, relationships with others, memories, please discuss with me first!
- Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?: She’s a weapon with a partial form [see profile]. If your character has a talent for seeing these, go ahead,’x
- Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?: She didn’t originally have her own soul, just a few thousand human ones, so your character might be able to tell?
- Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/other?: As long as it’s not private, sure.
- Hugging this character?: In most cases she'll just glare and push you away.
- Giving this character a kiss?: Well…you can try? Good luck, you’ll need it
- Badtouching: Good way to loose your hand.
- Lovers: Doubtful, will require lots of plotting.
- Punching this character (provided they can fight back): Might attack/fight back if she thinks you're worth it. Otherwise she'll just smirk and ignore you/walk away.
- Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Not really.
- Easiest way to get on her good side: She's an intellegent and powerful creature so if you can keep a decent conversation and aren't completely useless it'll be helpful.
- Easiest way to get on her bad side: Being generally weak, annoying or idiotic will irritate her. She also pities but looks down on and dislikes most humans.
- Can I hack her journal?: I’ll leave a note on certain entries.
- Can she hack my journal?: No. - Fourth Wall Breakage: Preferably not.
- Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: I’m always up for tormenting my muses, so just message me if you have ideas.
- Maim/Murder/Death: Minor wounds aren't a problem and don't need discussion, major injuries do. Not death since it’s permanent here.
- Blood: No problem, she’s use to it. - Can your character be imprisoned? Yes, but she it won’t be easy keeping her there.
- Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this? In canon, Roy killed her, but she’s been taken from a point before that.
- Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances? For now, no since I’ve only just joined and death isn’t temporary here.