(Family) Fighting 200 words

Dec 26, 2005 18:24

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Mmhhmm, uhm, yeah.

Did anyone read my last answer on family insanity?

Did you want to her about a personal issues that I have taken up in the past with my relations or errands that I have been dispatched on in regards to issues they have had with each other? *tries to sound mature, but hey…on honeymoon here, people…jeesh*

I wouldn’t even know where to begin, but I can tell you this much about my family and that is we do fight. A lot.

It varies from generation to generation. We can be petty and we can be cruel to each other; we fight amongst ourselves just as you do below, only the style changes. Olympians scrap and brawl and use tactics that would make the Royals of your past blush to their roots. Titans Clash (like great grandmother Rhea…she’s a riot. No really, she is a literal riot. Do not piss her off anger her even in jest and let us not forget the Protogenoi…well, they do whatever it is that they do when infuriated. Trust me, you don’t want to see that happen.

Excuse me now, I have a honeymoon to attend to. kthnxby

* (in last post he said rhea was grandmother not great grandma…oops)*
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