Rating: K
Genre: General
Warnings/Summary: From Tsukasa to An.
Character: Tsukasa
Word Count (minus notes): 120
Author’s Note: Oooooh, so old. *treats as gently as one would a relic*
Waking Up
The water was cold. Freezing, even, and yet Tsukasa did not draw back her hand, nor did she turn the hot-water nub. She merely stood there, naked, clutching the sliding glass door with one hand while holding the other under the icy flow. Listening to each droplet that fell onto the tiles, creating a rustling that echoed through the cell; looking at how the hospital lamps glinted in every bead of water, shimmering through her vision like glowing sparks; smelling the air as it grew moist once she finally opened the hot water; feeling the sensation come back into her cold-numbed hand, tingling, deliciously painful.
The warmth enveloped her when she stepped into the cubicle, and finally An truly awoke.