Hello and welcome to the:
Vampire Knight Kink Meme
(All parts of the franchise are welcome! Books, movie, TV-show, you name it.)
❂ Anon commenting is on, IP logging is off, My Guests is disabled. You can be as unidentifyable or as out-and-open as you want.
❂ All requests must contain a pairing or character and at least one kink. Go ahead and be a little vague on the details, we won’t bite unless you like that sort of thing. It’s just hard to give you what you want when we don't know what that is. ;)
❂ No trolling, spamming, flaming, pairing/character/kink/anon bashing, yaddayaddayadda. You know the drill. If you say “do not want” to a request I will cyber-pummel you to death with an ancient Jigglypuff plushy.
❂ Relatedly, no critiqueing the fills without the writer’s permission. ConCrit is not a bad thing, but this isn’t really the place for it, so ask first. Silence from the writer will count as a “no, I do not want crit”.
❂ Don’t let previous fills or “claims” fool you, we always want more smut. }:D
❂ Try to fill and review as well as request. We don’t want the meme to die for lack of feedback, right?
❂ Publicity helps keep the meme alive!
Having trouble thinking of kinks?
Have a look at this handy-dandy list of Fan Fiction Kinks, Tropes and Clichés. Spread the kink! Check out this
Master List of Kink Memes and
4theloveofkink for more fandoms.
Complaints, questions or suggestions? Just feel like chatting?
Go here. Don’t like my journal layout? Try putting ?format=light or ?style=mine after the URL.
This is a kink meme. This means that you can, and probably will, come across things that you find distasteful, disgusting or downright traumatizing. Warnings are optional. YOU ARE HEREBY WARNED.
This meme is open indefinitely; there is no cut-off date. Now, let’s get smutting. }:D