Title: Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (2/10)
Claim: Sanctuary: Henry Foss/Ashley Magnus
Table: Custom
Prompt: Unrequited
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Sanctuary’s heater is broken and Ashley goes to Henry for warmth
Warnings: N/A
Notes: This is my first Sanctuary fic and my first multi-chapter fic in a long time
You’ve known him your entire life. Okay, well almost your entire life but everything before five years old doesn’t count. Everyone knows that. He’s your best friend and confidante. He’ll make you feel better when you didn’t catch that Abnormal but he’ll remind you that you almost did. He isn’t like Mom or Will or even Big Guy. You can go to them when it comes to professional stuff, when you have to be the most kickass Abnormal hunter this side of the Mississippi, or is it the Western Hemisphere? Anyway, Henry’s the one you can go to when you need some personal space or someone to hang out when a really cheesy movie marathon is on the SyFy Channel. He isn’t one to take you sleeping in his bed as a serious thought, more like helping out your best friend when the heater is broken and you don’t want to freeze to death. Yeah, Henry isn’t anyone you should give any special consideration for even though it’s really comfortable to be sleeping in his arms.