Title: Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (10/10)
Claim: Sanctuary: Henry Foss/Ashley Magnus
Table: Custom
Prompt: Father’s Day
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Sanctuary’s heater is broken and Ashley goes to Henry for warmth
Warnings: N/A
Notes: This is my first Sanctuary fic and my first multi-chapter fic in a long time
Ashley was sitting in the infirmary, barely paying attention to anything at all. She asked her mother if she could tell Henry that she needed some time to herself but would definitely get him when she wanted to talk. He would be worried about her, of course, but she needed to think right now.
She did not know what to do except want to cry her eyes out but she was Ashley Magnus, the best Abnormal hunter in the entire planet, abilities inherited from her father. Oh shit, Druitt, she thought. What was she going to do about that? Plus, she was preparing a way to tell Henry what was wrong with her and her best, and only, plan so far involved a holiday never celebrated in the Magnus household.
She heard a knock on the door and knew who it was immediately. Henry inched his head in the door. “Hey.”
She waved him over and he sat in front of her. The stress of the past few hours were taking a toll on him. “I’m fine Henry.” She said in order to calm him.
“Does Magnus know what’s wrong with you?” He asked as he slid a little closer to her.
She nodded. “Mom’s running tests right now.”
“Anything bad?”
She shook her head then shrugged, “I don’t know.”
He searched her face for any indication of what was really going on. “Ashley, you can tell me. You know that right?”
“I know.” She pulled an envelope from underneath the blanket that was covering her. She had asked her mother for a piece of paper and an envelope. Her mom probably thought she was writing to break up with Henry but that was not the case.
She handed him the envelope. “You should read it.”
Quickly, the man opened the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper, nearly tearing it while unfolding it. He read aloud what was written, “We need to celebrate Father’s Day next year.”
He looked up at her in shock. “It’s true.” She placed his hand on her still flat abdomen. “A little Foss is cooking in there.” A laugh came out but it felt forced.
He leaned forward and kissed her stomach, “Don’t forget that little person in there is also a Magnus.”