Title: Implications
Rhea LoganRating: G
Characters: Watari/Tatsumi
Status: Drabble; 100 words sans the title; complete.
Summary: There are many ways to ask a favor; nine out of ten will get you anywhere but where you want to be.
Note: This drabble is unrelated to any of our plotverses. You could call it random, I guess - it just popped up in my mind the other day and I decided to give it a go. I didn't even add it to the index because it doesn't count as a fic - just posting it here for the record.
Whenever Tatsumi's demons catch up with him, he falls frighteningly silent. Watari resolves, though not before it lasts too long, to pester him until Tatsumi lets him lift some burdens off his chest.
When Watari requests funding to resupply his laboratory, he already knows he will have to scrap the money from his private savings. Tatsumi's answer is unchangeably the same - if Watari stopped breaking beakers as often as he does, he wouldn't need new ones every other week.
Tatsumi never asks why Watari breaks them. His displays of frustration, compared to everyone's problems, are insignificant enough to remain unnoticed.