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[Rumor?] Korea's Anti-File Sharing Law?
It seems as the new copyright laws are pretty effective.
As some of you may or may not know, as of July 23rd, South Korea will put in enforce a new set of copyright laws that will put tougher restrictions on KOREAN SITES that upload illegal content, which includes TV shows, dramas and music clips.
The issue lies in how to acquire future resources.
For people who check their Clubbox PM boxes, some of you may have noticed a PM from Codndwh's operators (Alices Box).
They have decided that the new copyright laws impose too much risk for them, and they have decided to shut the box down on July 1st at 1am Korean Time.
After that time they will move over to their 2nd box (securil) where they will delete everything and start uploading torrent links for everything.
That's what's been discussed previously on the chat window, I'm not sure if its going to be enough to avoid a site shutdown but in general warning, any downloading from Codndwh needs to be done before the time listed above.
However this is just a warning shot, it appears that other boxes are also planning on shutting down before July 23rd deadline.
Nowcom (Clubbox operator) hasn't yet stated whether they are going to continue the service or not, but they are at risk from the three strike/site shutdown rule.
Newsgroup for Korean content has yet to mature to a point where we can confidently say that it can replace something similar to Clubbox (there are uploads on a.b.korea, but most of the time the updates are infrequent, broken and missing a lot of stuff).
Not sure what's going to happen to Ental, hopefully it stays up but that's looking doubtful by the day.
The broadcasters do have everything available for download/stream, however it would impossible/close to impossible for most foreigners to access, not to mention expensive (a LQ download cost 500won, around US$0.60), doesn't make a difference because you would need a Korean ssn to make an account in the first place.
Pretty much by July we are going to lose one of the biggest Korean Resources Repositories and there doesn't seem to be a reliable substitute for it.
note: fixed some typos and omitted Soompi forums related part.