[Who]: IC L - IC Matsuda - OOC L
[Where]: Train Station / Train to Hokkaido
[When]: After the log with Mello.
[Rating]: PG
[On What]: MSN/Script
[Summary]: Still in OOC!L's week of vacations, he gets IC!L to accompany him to an onsen. They meet IC!Matsuda at the station.
OOC!L: *He sat in a bench, leaving the heavy backpack at his side. The train station was pretty full that day... it always was, but, what if Ryuuzaki got lost there? He sighed, his eyes scanning the herd of people around him* Such a pity my motorcycle is in the garage... I could have picked him *he muttered*
IC!L:*looking around, carrying a bag* o.o *searches for the L among the people at the station, slightly lost at being out in public in such a crowded place*
Matsuda: *stepping off one of the trains moving towards the bench not noticing OOC L, he only went over towards it to stretch out a bit* (so many people and so many stops.)
OOC!L: *still searching. He mentally cursed his poor eyesight (and his refusal to wear glasses), and stood up keeping the backpack on its place with a hand. His back protested by the sudden movement* I shouldn't have brought all that stuff. It's only a weekend...
IC!L:..... *annoyed* .....
IC!L:*gets on a bench and yells* L!!!!!
Matsuda: *chuckles* Ryuuzaki-san...? *blinks tilting his head to the side*looks around and spots OOC L standing next to him* Ah... .....
OOC!L: *He heard that, loud and clear. Looking around and guiding himself by the sound, he found Ryuuzaki... a couple of meters away... in the next bench.* Hey! *He smiled, waving, and hugged him*
IC!L:*laughing, smiling, hugging him back* Hi~!
IC!L:*pulls back, smiling, getting off the bench* how're you?
OOC!L: I'm great ^^ *He helps him to get down, lifting him in the air a couple of seconds* I was starting to think you weren't going to come...
OOC!L: And you?
IC!L:*makes a face* I... don't like train stations
OOC!L: I'm sorry *he pouts* I should have arranged another meeting place *taking his hand, he turned to get his backpack and found Matsuda standing right in front of him*
OOC!L: Uh. *surprised. And with a strong feeling of impending doom* Hi.
IC!L:*blinks* ...Matsuda-san
Matsuda: .... ; (Oh shit..) *takes a step back while smiling slightly* Hi.
IC!L:... fancy seeing you here, Matsuda-san
IC!L:*casual, his tone slightly closed off*
Matsuda: Just getting somethings from my house packed into a car. Tomorrow I'll be going back to HQ. Can't always keep hiding from the reality around you, ne?
OOC!L: *Stays silent, picking his backpack. A week ago, he would have pay to choke the man. Now, he just wanted to forget the incident, and almost felt sorry for the other guy as well. Almost.*
IC!L:...I suppose not
IC!L:*almost unconsciously backing up, watching the two interact*
IC!L:*wondering if this was somehow arranged...*
Matsuda: *looks at OOC L giving him a smile before looking back over at L* You are actually pretty cute together. And you look really happy, Ryuuzaki-san.
OOC!L: *He thanked god, or whoever planned the situation, he wasn't eating or drinkin anything when he heard that. He was coughing enough like that, even coloring a bit* Do you really think so? *He regained some composure, smiled, and squeezed Ryuuzaki's hand*
Matsuda: I do. It hard not to find love to find something that actually cares for you for who you are and not judge you in anyway. *smiles* It's just interesting how this happened.
IC!L:..... .....
IC!L:*his hand unconsciously tightening on L's hand*
IC!L:*recalling what Matsuda and L did...*
OOC!L: Ah, those are really nice words, Matsuda-san. Nice and accurate. *He is almost certain Ryuuzaki was going to ask again for the small... affair he had with Matsuda. He just hoped he wouldn't press the matter too much*
IC!L:*saying nothing, only watching*
OOC!L: Ah, before I forget... *he extracts a train ticket from his pocket, and gives it to Ryuuzaki* Here ^^ I already got the tickets
Matsuda: What's in the past is in the past. I wish the best for you two. But sadly, I can't stay for too much longer. I need to pack and then sign off that I won't be living in that apartment anymore.
IC!L:*polite* oh, is that so?
Matsuda: Yes. *smiles brightly*
OOC!L: *Thinking* "What's in the past is in the past. Damn, now... what did he meant with that?"
OOC!L: Where are you moving? *tries to change the subject*
Matsuda: I'm moving in... with Touta. *smiles*
IC!L:*blinks* ... *looking up at L, then to Matsuda* ...
OOC!L: Touta?
IC!L:(why's he care where he's moving to...?...)
IC!L:(what's he care if he has another lover...)
Matsuda: My clone, my twin... since for one, he's the one that picked me back up. He's the one that truly cares for my feelings unlike some other people. But whatever happened is now in the past and I'm not going to dwell on it.
OOC!L: *thinking, not amused and trying his best to not reflect it in his face* "Way to not dwell in the past, idiot."
OOC!L: *Then he realizes something... and lets out a light chuckle,* your twin! so, you too...?
IC!L:*figits with his shirt sleeve* (stop talking to him... don't... at least not in front of me...)
Matsuda: *blushes* Gaah... it's slow and not going too fast. But that's really none of your business. Maybe it might be business for my true friends... *smiles* Anyway, you two should get going before you miss your train.
OOC!L: Yeah, we better get going. *He would be more relieved to left him, if he didn't knew he was going to have troubles after he and Ryuuzaki were alone*
IC!L:*nods* see you around, Matsuda-san.
Matsuda: Have fun! Make sure the two of you stay out of trouble! *waves as he walks off*
OOC!L: *Just smiles, and doesn't say anything, waiting for Ryuuzaki's reaction*
IC!L:*watches as he goes* ... ...
IC!L:*loosens his grip on his sleeve as he walks out of sight...*
OOC!L: hey. *looks at Ryuuzaki with soft eyes, somewhat still worried, and messes his hair* We should go to our plattaform, isn't it?
IC!L:ah... *nods*
IC!L:*clutching his ticket, his knuckles a bit white* okay. which one is it?
OOC!L: let me see... *he takes a look at his own ticket.* third one, by there. *he points in that general direction. Then notices the fierce way Ryuuzak is clutching his ticket*
OOC!L: *With a general feeling of bad omens.* are you okay? *He takes that hand, trying to relax the fingers*
IC!L:*blinks* ah... I'm... I'm fine...
IC!L:*glances at his ticket* third one? alright...
IC!L:*picks up his bag again*
OOC!L: *Doesn't believe him a thing, but leads him to the plattaform anyway, doing his best to relax him by talking* Ah, you'll see... it's a nice little place, comfy and the town is not crowded. Perfect to relax. You seem to need it... how's everything? Your job?
OOC!L: I haven't had many news about you this days ^^
IC!L:*relaxing a bit, still holding his hand a bit tight* ah, not much has been going on... Kira's on a temporary halt with the killings, what with all the shared identities, and both Matsuda and Light weren't around, as they were both avoiding the other one...
OOC!L: Hmmm, I see. At least your days haven't been that hard?
IC!L:*shrugs* not really, not that that's a good thing.
IC!L:I like challenges. It helps me apply my mind, and with no new killings for clues... *shrugs*
IC!L:*looks up at him, smiling a bit* what of you? how have you been?
OOC!L: Me? Fine. I've had time to eat lots of pizza, sleep all I haven't slept since... since I actually got the contract from Niji Records, and even compose one or two new melodies. Still working on that, though.
IC!L: Really? *smiles, Matsuda slipping to the back of his mind...* what kinds of songs are the ones you write?
IC!L: I got a demo CD from your band, but I can't tell which lyrics are the ones you wrote... *digging it out*
OOC!L: Ah, I'm known for mixing styles... My lyrics, as the one I sang for you the other day, are more abstract than concrete. Surreal, almost. *His eyes shine, as always he talks about music*
OOC!L: I dislike those losers who just talk about angst in their songs, with no poetry at all. Those are... pretty plain on my opinion. I had enough of that when I was younger.
IC!L:*getting onto the train platform* ah, that's not good... I'm glad things are better now, though. *smiles a bit*
IC!L:ma, which compartment are we?
OOC!L: *smirks* First class. And don't ask me how I got the tickets. Long story.
IC!L:*blinks* ooo~
IC!L:*goes down to it, wanting to see*
OOC!L: *walks with him until they reach the compartment. He smiles, asking a bit insecure* ...Do you like it?
IC!L:*his eyes taking in the plush seating, the pull-out beds along the walls, the snack bar, the TV, everything* .....
IC!L:*speechless, his eyes wide* .....yes
IC!L:*still gaping at the sight*
OOC!L: *hugging him from behind* I'm glad. *he teases* You deserve shiny things, you know ^^
IC!L:*laughs, flushing* thanks~
IC!L:ne, we need to sit down! the train will move soon!
IC!L:*sits down on a pulled-out cot, bouncing on the plushiness*
OOC!L: *leaves his backpack in a corner, taking off his leather jacket.* Better to get comfortable then. And you're totally going to take a nap with me. I'd bet you didn't sleep last night.
IC!L:...so? ;
IC!L:you didn't either, I know *teasing*
OOC!L: Hm. Not my fault. The night is so much better for creativity... but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a nap *he winks* Don't you like to have dreams?
IC!L:*tenses a bit* ...not particularly
IC!L:I.. tend to have nightmares more often than dreams
IC!L:but... a nap would be nice with you *smiles up at him*
OOC!L: Ahh, is that so? *messes his hair* I'll do my best to chase away those, then. *He is not going to ask why the frequency. Probably has to do with his job.*
IC!L:*curls into his touch a bit* mmm... *his eyes closing*
IC!L:nap with me, L? *his voice soft*
OOC!L: That's a good boy ^^ *He lies down in the cot, dragging him along* I was planning to...
OOC!L: That way, the trip will feel shorter. *kisses his forehead, and closes his eyes* Good dreams.
IC!L:I hope so..... *smlies a bit*
IC!L:*resting his head onto his lap* wake me up when we get there~
IC!L:*slowl drifts off to sleep*
OOC!L: I'll do. *he mutters, comfortable with the warm weight of Ryuuzaki against him.*
OOC!L: "I didn't know I was this tired..." *his breath slows down, and he falls asleep a few minutes after.*
((Awwwww... Isn't it sweet?))