[Howdy, Mayfield! It's your new Sheriff doll out and about after
jumping out Sealand's window to freedom! He's currently taking the smart route and running through everyone's backyards and frontyards (staying close to houses is actually way safer than running on a sidewalk, y'know)! If you're interested in having a quick (and possibly uneventful) meeting with Woody, then just post what your character's doing in the back/front yard and I'll get back to you with a Woody reply! Your character might find out something about him, they might not. Let's see what happens~♥
If you're a pet/non-human (in appearance), he'll also directly talk to you or not bother sneaking around.
Tiffany's on the prowl for him, seeing him leave the Kirkland Residence.]
[Backdated to earlier in the day, on June 17th.]