Omi would have written more but his player got too emo he ran out of barrier time.
I can't get back through the barrier. My arrows seem to be able to do it, though, so I'm going to write notes as long as that lasts. Please make sure they get to their destination, and if I don't get them all through, apologize to anyone who....
Well. You get the idea.
The wireless is still working, and this place doesn't seem to be home. I'm going to go west and see if I can find Sunnydale. If Sunnydale doesn't exist, I'll go to LA. I'll use Tsukiyono Omi or Hidaka Omi if that isn't safe. You'll be able to find me, I promise.
I'll wait for you. We've got time, now, right? So have fun, and don't worry. I'll be okay, I promise.
I love you so much.
There's not much I can say but thank you. I'd ask you to take care of Ken-kun, but I know you will.
I'll be waiting for you guys.
Love you.
I can't even begin to thank you for everything. Thank you for putting up with the emo, for holding me when I needed it, and for making me laugh. I love you, and I hope you get home to the rest of your family soon. I...I wish you so much happiness.
Maybe we'll meet again someday, who knows? I hope so. I'd like to meet Seel, someday.
Take care.
Good luck. You've been like a sister to me, and I wish you nothing but happiness.
Give Yousuke-kun an extra hit for me.
Love, Omi
Kon and Buffy,
I know I'll see you again, but good luck anyway. Have fun.
Thank you for the tea. It is not always easy, but we perservere.
Tsukiyono Omi.