name: Lore. :]
age: 13.
location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
sexuality: Straight.
occupation: Student.
top five-ten bands: Well, I have a lot of favorite bands, and all of them are different from each other. But if I'd have to pick my top ten bands, they'd be The Boondock Saints, The Blood Brothers, The Beatles, The Shins, Metallica, Rush, Nine Inch Nails, Live, The Beach Boys, and Sugarcult. All of which, are a lot different from each other! I don't know..I just like them a lot. :]
top three books: Hm..I've been reading a lot lately, and some of the books I've read, and liked, are "The Giver", by Lois Lowry, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", by Richard Bach, and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", by J.K. Rowling, all of which, are really good books.
favorite actor/actress: Oh man..I love Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. I don't really know why..I think it's because most of them are action. I also love. Love Matt Damon.
favorite subjects(school): Well, I like English a lot, because it's one of the only classes where we really get to be creative and write. I also enjoy Science, because it's fun, and we get to do experiments to see how different things work.
favorite movies: Let's see.. I like some of the old movies, like Breakfast At Tiffany's, but I also like Zoolander. Har har, that movie was great.. And I recently went to see Starsky and Hutch, which was brilliant as well.
hobbies: Play soccer, playing the guitar, play the drums, listening to music, jumping into lakes, swimming, taking pictures, and volunteering extra time at local animal shelters.
pet peeve(s): Hm..when people tell me I'm not good enough, or that I can't do it. These bother me, but in the end, I can also take these and make myself stronger, by trying harder, and proving the person who's telling me this wrong.
what do you find attractive in a guy/girl: Their personality, the impression they give off to others, their eyes, and their sense of humor.
what do you do best? I listen to my friends problems, before I talk about mine, because you never know if someone has a bigger problem or issue than you do.
what do you think about yourself?(worst and best qualities): Well, some of my worst qualities are that I'm impatient, and that sometimes, I worry. Some of my best qualities are that I'm honest, sincere, and I try my best to be polite.
who told you about this community?: I found it while looking through a list of communities.
why do you want to be in this community?: Because I've never been in a community, and it looks like a lot of fun. It's also another way to meet people and talk about intrests.
who is your role model? why? My role model is my dad, because he taught me self-confidence. I know if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be loud and outgoing, like I am. He also taught me to be true to myself, and to my friends. He taught me to never lie, cheat, or steal as well, and he taught me that life is important, and to try to have as much fun as you possibly can. He told me that we are borrowing everything on the physical plane, even out bodies, and that life is for doing and enjoying, and not for having or acquiring.
what have been your best/worst experiences of your life? The best experience of my life was when I went into the sixth grade. I didn't know anyone at all, and yet everyone accepted me. I thought that I was going to sit at my own small lunch table forever, but then a whole group of kids came up to me and asked me to sit with them. I'm thankful for them, and this showed me how kind people are. The worst experience of my life was when my grandma started getting sick, because Iam very close with my grandmother, and I'm always afraid I might lose her somehow.
what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher! I've always loved being around smaller children, and helping them. It would be awesome to teach them what they need to know in the future, and to make them an individual by showing them what's out there.
what are your opinions on your parents? They're my parents. There are fights, but overall, I love them, and I try my best not to disrespect them.
racism: I think racists are close-minded, and don't want to see or hear what the other person has to say. I think it would be better if some people got to know another person before judging them.
the current war: I'm not really sure about this, because I'm not really sure what's happening. From what I heard, I don't think there should be a war, because a lot of innocent people could be killed.
abortion: I think that abortion should be allowed in rape cases, if the women decides it's right for her. But otherwise, I don't think it should be a choice.
gay marriages: I think that there should be some kind of ceremony that, in some way, makes the couple "united" for life. Kind of like marriage, but not called marriage.
the scene: I'm not really sure what "the scene" is, and I'm not going to pretend to know, and make myself look stupid by saying something that doesn't even have to do with it.
Sorry, these pictures aren't like, the best, but they're the best ones I could find.