
Sep 10, 2008 15:35

1. What are your reasons for having an LJ? It's great to have a record of your life, all the great moments, awful moments and moments you would never remember if you hadn't written them down:)

2. What do you do before bedtime? Shower, clean my teeth, plait my hair [yeah. i'm an old lady:P], set my alarm, read my Bible then sleeeeep!

3. What would you do with a million dollars? Travel. Ridiculously. Then pay off some Broadway director to cast me as Velma in Chicago on Broadway for LIFE!

4. What is the city of your dreams and why? New York City. It has everything i have ever wanted.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Extrovert ALL the way.

6. What are five things that have made you happy lately?
a. 10 months with Chris today:)
b. The gym and boxing [as usual lol]
c. My hilarious year 12 students
d. Bed
e. Soup

7. Do you trust easily? I give the illusion that i do, but i am very wary.

8. What is your earliest memory? Being in the pool with Mum and Grandad:)

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? Not going to the gym as often as i'd like. But that's changing in two and a half weeks!!!!!!

10. Name ONLY ONE person on your friends list that you have never met but would love to one day. Heaps. The end:)

11. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Carrots

12. Where are you in 5 years? In New York City, surviving on tomato soup made from mcdonalds sauce packets and hot water, acting in some tiny theatre, trying to make it big time. Married?:)

13. Do you have any weird talents? Splits? French horn playing? I don't know haha!

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Stolen from Ev - she's awesome:) We went to primary school together!!

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? Married and poor.

16. Name a food that you absolutely hate. Tomato. Beetroot. String beans. Mushroom.

17. What's better, to give or to receive? Give:)

18. What would you do if you (or your girlfriend) became pregnant unexpectedly? Unfortunately, i'd have an abortion. Don't hate me. It's just what i believe in.

19. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite sex? Ooooh! No idea!

20. How do you feel about indie arts? Indie arts? Oh wow.. they're... the best... ever!?!?!


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