The Rules
+ Don't be a twat. That should be pretty straight forward, yeah? We understand IC interaction in this world can get iffy *coughGeneHuntcough* but if it looks like it's moving into OOC territory or there is any ridiculous wank or harassment going on, it will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
+ Posting is unmoderated and you don't have to be a member of the community to post (although I suggest you join anyway!). I'd like to keep it that way. If you post with a character that is not part of LoM or A2A or you post anything that is not RP related, your post will be deleted without warning.
+ Make sure to tag your posts! You cannot create your own tags, but there will be a journal name tag and a canon tag supplied to you once you post.
For example, I would tag any post I make with the following: journal: poshmouthytart AND a2a: alex drake
If you're a new member/poster, please head over to the
the Request-a-Tag post!
+ AUs and OCs are welcome, within reason. AUs must still have some kind of canon basis in the LoM/A2A universe. OCs must come from the LoM/A2A universe. If you plan on posting with an OC, please be sure to state somewhere on their profile that they are a LoM/A2A OC. If it's not there, I might get twitchy and delete your post.
+ There will be more than one character of everyone. Don't be a arse about it and feel free to tag different muns of your own characters. Feel free to tag your own characters. This is a dressing room, we don't really care, just have a good time.
+ Attempt to stay IC. Obviously, there will be crack, but keep in mind that you're still roleplaying.
+ Considering the canon we're playing with, some threads will include sex, violence, and language. If your thread it getting really deep into any of that, please lock it to the community, or it may be locked at the mod's discretion. Basically, please lock anything that wouldn't actually air on the show. If you don't lock it and I find it, I'll lock it for you, and you'll need to join the community to continue your thread.
Explain the setting a little better.
Luigi's is a Italian bar and restaurant across the street from the Fenchurch East Met building. Basically, you character appears in Lugui's. They come and go as they please from whenever their home time or place is at, and they can hang out in the bar all they want.
You character should begin in Luigi's, but playable areas are all around, if they're interested in going back to their flat or over to CID. However, keep where they wander within reason; Molly shouldn't be making her way to CID without a good reason, anymore than Ray should be caught lounging around on Alex's sofa without being invited.
If your character's plots get violent or smutty, it's recommended to remove them from the main bar area and go to one of these outside playable locations or back to their own journals.
So this takes place at Luigi's? What if my character is from Manchester, 2006 or 2008 canon?
Doesn't matter. Pop them on a train, stick 'em in a coma, they get here however they get here. We're not too caught up on the details, it just seemed like a good, central location.
Besides, there weren't any food fights at the Railway Arms, so we couldn't resist.
My character is an AU of a different canon who could, conceivably, end up in 1973 or 1981. Can I play them here?
As of right now, no. This is strictly a LoM/A2A dressing room, and chances are it will stay that way. If your looking for a place to play your crossover AU, check out
thedressingroom or
dressingrooms, or places like
So-in-so is being a douchey-twat-faced-loser and breaking all the rules. Where do I report them?
Either contact myself or
takeoffthenoose over PM, or you can head on over to the
complaint post. Anon is on, IP logging is off, and the complaint post will be screened. Feel free to just post a link and what rule is being broken so we know what we're getting into.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to comment here.