I apologize profusely to all you fans of Dr. Chet Barnes, Forensic Oncologist.
fictionhackhas had
Chapter Six up for about a week now, but I couldn't get LJ to fix the date so it'd show up in your flists (I'm stealing this term,
This was a tough chapter to write. I was concerned about focusing too much on the sex scene, worried that it'd be akin to terrible romace novel. My editor handed back the first draft, disappointed, chiding me for erring on the side of conservativism.
I took a few days to contemplate how to edit. I discovered that I wasn't comfortable with the idea of writing about the act itself, worried that what I whatever I wrote would reflect on inadequacies in the author's own life. I needed to remind myself of the goal of the project, to write the shittiest thriller in modern literary history, before I boldly pressed ahead with the current product.
On to Chapter 7! If you have no clue where the narrative is heading, don't worry - I don't know either.