[Coming home from the barracks to a half-empty bedroom and all infant supplies/furniture suddenly missing was not the way Yuri wanted to spend the rest of his afternoon. Hell, with the way the room looked, it was almost as if the past year and a half never even happened. But he knows what this means. It's happened once before -- but not to Jonah,
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But worse yet, you interrupted his witty dialogue :| So he'll be glaring in the direction he's sure the arrow came from.]
[Yeah, that's all he's got for now.]
Raven jumps down from the tree, converting his bow back into it's sword form. And then he decides to rush at you.]
Yuri will be raising his sword instinctively to block, not even bothering to throw take off the sheath yet. It's not the best block he's done in his life, since it was rushed, but it should do the job, for the most part.
You can bet he's going to try shoving you back as soon as he gets stabilized, though.]
... But really, Yuri could care less. All he sees this as is a challenge. He'll keep pushing forward for a bit ... then suddenly jump back to create a distance between them.]
Probably predictable distraction attempt #1 go: Azure Edge.]
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