ahhh so i was going to hang out with miles today and it was going to be great. i havent seen that kid in foreverrrr. well, his mom is gay lets just say that.
urgh you're ridiculous. you expect me to cover for you and let you stay at my house when it was just last weekend when you totally stood me up? umm think again. you're not using me this time.
what happened to everyone? what happened to my friends? what happened to my family? what happened to society? what happened to honesty, loyalty, and the mere sounds of being considerate? people disgust me. genuine? i think not. no one is anymore.
owe so i accidentaly cut a chunk out of my left ring finger, as well as my nail. it hurts like no other and i hope i dont end up having to get stitches on it. now i have this stupid makeshift cast/bandaid thing on it, in hopes of not letting my die from loss of blood. fuck!