Jul 25, 2020 20:52


∙ Titles: This is a gimmick adopted from the Tales of series. Titles are generally ... well, titles, coupled with a little blurb that hints at/explains the title itself. This is just for fun.

∙ Nickname: Something Yuri tends to do in canon is nickname people, or shorten tough/long names. However, since he doesn't do this to everyone and only people he feels friendly with (or at least people who could be easily nicknamed), some people will have them, some won't. Some people may get a nickname after spending a fair amount of time with him, some may get hit with one right away, and possibly many won't ever get one at all.

∙ Opinion: This is the larger blurb underneath the character's title. It generally contains Yuri's views on them, for better or good, along with the reasons behind it. As some views are more complicated than others, some people's opinion sections will be longer than others.

∙ ■ : Familiarity level. Ranges from 1 to 5; one meaning he doesn't have a set opinion on them yet/barely knows a thing about them, and five meaning he has a firm opinion/feels he knows them well and doesn't care whether he learns more about them or not.

∙ ○ : Teasing level. Ranges from 0 to 5; zero meaning he'd never bother teasing them/they're unteaseable to him, and five meaning he practically seeks out posts from them, just for teasing purposes. ... Except not. It just means he'd jump straight into teasing/sarcasm before anything else. In a way, this is a comfort level more than anything else. The lower this level, the colder he may be with the character in question.

∙ ♦ : Trust level. Ranges from 0 to 5; zero meaning he doesn't trust the character at all, and five meaning he'd be willing to confide in them from time to time.

∙ ♪/-♪/♥ : Attachment level. Ranges from 0 to 5; zero meaning he could care less if the character left within the next five minutes, and five meaning he just about sees them as family. Most people will get just ♪s, but those he has some attraction to will get a ♥ or two. Yuri is a bit dumb in that section, though, so anyone above even one heart will be a rarity. A -♪ means that he dislikes the character. Anything above 3 -♪s means the character is beyond redemption for him. He will either avoid or be very nasty to the character in question in that case.

∙ ♠ : Protection level. Ranges from 0 to 5; zero meaning he sees no reason to ever help you, and five meaning he would be willing to go against whatever odds necessary to keep you safe.

∙ ☆ : This just means that they're a guildmate of his. This is more for my reference than anything else.

Luceti Relationships.
Canon Relationships.


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