Somarium Application

Apr 13, 2001 17:43

[Player name] Akari
[Age] 18
[Personal Journal] cluelessfangirl 
[Other characters currently played]: Haru Miura / Katekyo Hitman Reborn / the_lovely_86

[Character name] Giotto/Ieyatsu Sawada
[Age] Mid-thirties
[Canon] Katekyo Hitman Reborn
[Point in time taken from canon] Just after stepping down as Vongola Primo

At this point only bits and pieces of Giotto's past are known. He meet his best friend G as a child, though when in his childhood is unknown at this point. We know that when he was younger (late teens, early twenties maybe?) he started a vigilante group at the suggestion of Cozart, one of his best friends, to better protect the people of their town that were being harassed by criminals, and received no protection form the police. It was this vigilante group that would later become the mafia family known as The Vongola.

Giotto would lead this group for many years as the first boss, Vongola Primo, building it into a great and power family, though his goals never really changed. Eventually he would be betrayed by his mist guardian, Daemon Spade, who grew tired of how Giotto was running the Vongola, and wanted more for the orginization. Daemon even went so far as to target Cozart Shimon, and his family. Giotto's reasons for stepping down as boss are unknown. How ever just before passing on the Vongola rings that were the symbol of the Family boss and his guardians, and the positions that went with the rings Giotto sealed their power because he didn't trust the next generation to continue in the direction he wished it to.

After leaving the mafia Giotto changed his name to Ieyatsu Sawada, and retired to Japan where he planned the live the rest of his life peacefully.

Note : His age is never actually given in the series, so it's all a guess by me.

His Wiki Page

From his personality one might find it hard to believe that Giotto was once the boss of the most powerful Italian mafia family.

He cares about others to a point that some people find ridiculous, and along with that he has a very strong sense of justice. It's not that he likes to fight others, in fact he's really rather talk things out he just can't stand to see others being hurt. In fact he's known for jumping in to help, or protect, a victim of wrong doing. Giotto is friendly, and charming, able to get along with almost any type of person that he crosses paths with. He's loyal to those who are his friends, and will do anything to protect them, and others in his care. These are traits that would cause some to call him soft, particularly because he was a mafia boss.

He's trusting almost to a fault. Giotto likes to see the best in people, even when he knows that they're bound to do bad things. Though even after being betrayed by a good friend he's shown to not hold a grudge, and still consider that person a friend. In fact Giotto seems to be physically incapable of holding a grudge against anyone. This doesn't mean that he never gets mad at people though. Rather he keeps a tight cap on his temper, only letting it show when in the company of his most trusted friends. Giotto's biggest flaw is that he tends to be self sacrificing. He almost always will put others and their well being before his own, and will fight for others even expense of his own safety.

Though his years as a boss do show. When among strangers, or in public Giotto is reserved, and almost always smiling. He's polite to everyone, even when someone else is being rude to him. Giotto has an air of authority, and wisdom that can sometimes be hard to ignore. His smile is a mask that was built by years of being a boss to hide weakness and discomfort when in the presence of strangers, and people who could be better compared to power hungry wolves.

Giotto carries the Sky Flame which is actually a rare flame type to have. The Sky Flame is very similar to actual flames, burning and releasing heat. This flame is also the best type of flame for flight. Giotto's flame shows when he is in Hyper Dying Will Mode.

His weapon of choice is a pair of gloves, the I-Gloves, which are used for close combat and flame resistant. The cape he wears can even be used like a weapon, though it's mainly for defense. This cape that he wears releases sky flame which has the ability to nullify enemy attacks.

Giotto's hyper Intuition is another of his abilities. It quite literally helps him to dodge bullets and other attacks. Not only that though it helps in in daily life because it's easier to tell when people are lying, or have ill intent towards him or his loved ones.

During his time as Primo Giotto created a technique that can be used to seal an opponent's flames in what appears to be ice. This ice is the opposite of the dying will flame, and can only be melted by the dying will flames. This technique is called the Zero Point Breakthrough.

[Other important stuff]
It's fairly important to note that, because of the point of his life that I'm taking Giotto from, he's not all that willing to create another protection group. How ever he will advise others if they ask, and he will still protect people who need it.

Giotto smiles a lot. Seriously you may start to wonder if he only has once facial expression.

Hey cannon mates! Unless you're part of the Vongola Primo Family Giotto doesn't know you, any of you. So yeah, have fun freaking him out with that.

[Sample post]
[First Person]
Q. If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
A. That's a good question isn't it? It's vary hard to leave the mafia alive, so perhaps staying would be in my best intrest...

Q. What were you doing before now?
A. Hmm? Ah, just settling into a peaceful life.

Q. If someone provoked or attacked you, what would you do?
A. Depending on the situation I would defend my self, or I would simply leave the person.

Q. Would you consider yourself a power hungry individual?
A. Not at all. I wouldn't have taken the head of the Vongola if I had not been convinced to by Cozart.

Q. Someone comes to you to ask for the time. How would you respond?
A. Ehm? I'd give them the time of course...

Q. Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
A. Stop them of course. Perhaps ask why they felt the need to rob me...

Q. Would you consider yourself a hero or a villain? Why? Neither is an option as well, but still tell why.
A. Hmm, at this point I don't believe I could be either. It's hard to be a hero in the mafia, but I tried not to let my self become a true villain.

Q. If you could have any super ability, what would it be and why?
A. Ah, I do believe I already have one. After all I can ignite a fire on my hands, and forehead.

Q. Murder. What is your opinion?
A. ....... Murder is... It's something that shouldn't be acceptable. The fact that it is saddens me.

Q. You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?
A. I will save my friend. The other man can always be found, and brought to justice later. To leave my friend to fall to his death is unacceptable.

Q. You discover someone stalking you. Do you call the police or deal with it yourself?
A. Hmm? I would deal with it myself first.

Q. Do you prefer adventure or the peaceful life?
A. The peaceful life is starting to grow on me after so many years of adventure.

[Third Person]
Giotto gazed at his reflection in the large pond he was standing near. His face was fairly unreadable as he took in his reflection. Dark pants, white shirt with a tie, and his cape. His lips, already pressed thin, pulled down in a frown before he turned away, the cape he hadn't worn in months swishing behind him before falling back into place against his back. Giotto left the pond, walking down the path before him in into the village that he was now in.

He stopped to take in the sight before him, his expression changing from distinctly unreadable, to something much softer. This place, while they style was obviously not strictly Italian, reminded him some what of of the village that he and G once called home. The same village that they had meet Cozart in all those years ago. The thought of his two red haired best friends had him moving again down the path and further into the town. He wanted to find the two, or at least try. G had been watching his back since they were kids, and Cozart was like a brother.

After waking up in a strange village alone he would feel better with those two at his side.

The weight of his cape shifted as children ran past him laughing, and playing with out care towards him, a stranger in their town. As he got further into the town he saw that no one seemed to mind the face that he was a stranger in their town.  It wasn't that he didn't get suspicious gazes, but moreoften then not he got a friendly smile, or was ignored all together. It was odd to him, in his expirance even villages that got lots of visitors and travlers were suspicious of those strangers in their town.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Because "dead" ancestors are cool... That and Kitzu's powers of enabling are strong.. XD
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] Be nice to other players. It's surprisingly hard to find a group of nice people to play with...
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] 
[Any questions?] Nope~

somarium, application

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