→ sometime

Feb 01, 2011 10:50

NAME: René Fontaine du Cellas
PLAYED-BY: Kilic of Oh! Great's Air Gear
AGE: 24
RACE: Human, though as a resident of a different planet in the distant future, René has a few evolutionary advantages, such as increased adjustability to different time zones and gravity levels, that are not present in humans of this time and planet.

PERSONALITY: On the surface, René appears almost suspiciously normal. Gifted in the art of small talk but not especially gabby, sensible but not overly intelligent, he is the sort of person with whom one could converse for five minutes and promptly forget about afterwards. This suits him well enough; he frankly prefers anonymity because he finds life easier to manage on his own--in that respect, he is very like a cat who occasionally stops in for food but couldn't care less about being petted. René is not an easy person to get to know, and more often than not pushes away the few people who attempt to get close to him. Whether this is out of spite, snobbiness, or fear is yet to be seen.

Above all else, he desires freedom and constantly strives to achieve a state in which he's bound to nothing and beholden to no one. He fears being trapped more than anything else.

Slightly vain, René appreciates aesthetics, but he has priorities, thankyouverymuch, and knows when to put such things aside in favor of getting more important things done. Still, he has a strict grooming regimen which he follows whenever time and circumstances allow. Perhaps the most notable step in said regimen is hair-dyeing; to the people of his country, showing one's natural hair color is considered unhygenic and indecent, and so he keeps his naturally brown hair colored light pink [he has enough of the dye, which his people keep in a highly concentrated powder form, to last a lifetime].

His general fussiness and standoffishness can sometimes give people the impression of his being slightly feminine, but that's just the way he is. He doesn't pay much attention to gender or sexuality. It would take a very special person to make him swing one way or another.

HISTORY: The third of three sons, René was born in the country Cellas on the planet Medea. His family, the Fontaines, were very wealthy and influential members of the noble class. Very little was expected out of René; as a child, he was schooled in manners, history, math, science, politics, and languages, was waited on hand and foot, and was generally ignored by his parents, vain, frivolous people who cared more about soirees than their youngest son. That was fine, because René didn't really care about them either. He spent most of his days with his nose stuck in a book, "dreaming", he would later say, "about being awake." As he grew older he began to attend parties with his parents, and around that time he began to realize how utterly banal life on Cellas was, as well as how dependent he was on his family and how little he had of a life of his own. He began to read about distant planets and alien civilizations and found that for the first time of his life, he actually wanted something: to wander the stars and see the places he could only read about on his home planet.

On his 20th birthday, his parents announced that they had arranged for him to be married to a daughter of another noble family. René, deciding that this was as good a cue as any, packed his bags--or bag, as the case was--and took the first Starship off of Medea. So began his career as an intergalactic wanderer. It started badly: he was robbed blind almost the moment he stepped off that first Starship, but René had a better constitution than he'd thought, and he learned. To date he's been to ten planets and eighteen countries, never staying very long, never making any real friends, always managing to scrape together enough money for the next ticket to his next destination. Frankly he's happier this way than he ever was in the lap of luxury on Cellas.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: None in particular, though he is resourceful and well-read and is very adaptable to new climates.

MISC. René always carries with him a lightweight electric charge-gun that, while rarely lethal, has served him well in the past. He also has an energy blade that's about the size of a penknife but can cut through just about anything.

His image song is Death and all His Friends by Coldplay.

info: history, info: personality

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