Date/Time: Tuesday Jan 5th, break
Location: Great Hall
Open To: Anyone!
Currently Involving: Lou and Illi
(Note: Yes, I threaded with myself. You may all come in and poke me and giggle and say, "NERD!", although I would prefer it if you picked one or the other of my characters to thread with. Either or- whichever you feel more pity for xDDD)
"Go to hell, Illiad! I don’t need your… I don’t need your -bloody- opinions!”
“Well, godamnit, I don’t need your -intrusions- in all the time, you, you…. you -stupid harlot!-”
“Don’t go shooting your big mouth off, usin’ words you don’t understand, catamite!”
“Well…” there was a long train of explicatives here, and for the sake of our younger viewers, these will be omitted.
“Well, you never CALL ME anymore! You were there that one NIGHT and then, BAM! Gone!”
Even though she was already red from the pinks of her lips to her fiery hair, Lou felt her blush grow even more, and not from the sake of yelling. You know those points where the general lull of talking that goes on in large groups of people just tends to stop? Especially when there is some sort of really large fight going on in the middle of it all and the attentions of everyone in the room just turns to this at the same time? You know how it always happens when something really, dreadfully awkward has just been said?
It didn’t do much for the matter that they were cousins (first cousins), and that probably everyone in the room knew they were cousins (those that didn’t were right now being informed by their friends, in hushed, excited whispers). Ooh, isn’t incest exciting? Even the kind of incest that was merely implied, that had never even happened?
In a gesture completely out of his purebred, well-mannered character, Illiad Prewett reached forward and grabbed his smaller, more agile cousin by the neck of her blouse. This caused a very loud, shrill shriek from the throat of the girl, who proceeded with her retribution by slapping him soundly ‘round the face.
Coming to himself, Illiad held a cold hand to his face and sulked over it. His lips pursed and his brow furrowed in an entirely “Holier than Thou” attitude as he stared at his cousin, who was all flushed cheeks, teary eyes and frizzy hair to his pallor, cold stare, and slightly fwooshed brown locks. He even swelled up his chest in an entirely dignified, hurt manner while she steamed and huffed like an angry teapot.
“DRAMAQUEEN!” It wasn’t just Illiad who’d yelled it; nay- both cousins had screeched it at the same time to the other, then yet another period of awkward silence had followed.
And then, as if something invisible had happened between them, Illiad looked down instantly, and Lou ran, sobbing away, out of the Great Hall and outside.
A very awkward silence filled the Hall, as Illiad continued staring in the most angry, self-piting way at the floor.