On this lovely Spring day (we hope it is, anyway) we welcome you to the...
The Johnny's Fanfiction Concrit Meme THIS is where you get to tell me about my writing.♥ Comment for yourself only. Do not make threads for other people
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What comes across very clearly in your writing is your incredible grasp of language and how to use it. I always have the feeling when I read your fics that you really know how to employ words (and grammar and syntax, etc) to do exactly the type of storytelling that you want. And do it well too, of course, even when it's different styles. I'm always jealous of your descriptive passages and your timing for punchlines (not necessarily for jokes but just, er, punch-y lines, lol) is impeccable.
I wish I had something to offer as concrit but I really don't because, unfortunately, I don't read enough of your writing. I've stumbled on your writing through various fic exchanges or cross-posts to comms that I follow, but unfortunately for me you don't usually write the people/pairings I read. :( Too bad this is not something that can be remedied with concrit haha.
Mostly Juniors, with occasional Kis-My-Ft2 and KAT-TUN. I'm open to any and all suggestions :3
I wish I had something to offer as concrit but I really don't because, unfortunately, I don't read enough of your writing. I've stumbled on your writing through various fic exchanges or cross-posts to comms that I follow, but unfortunately for me you don't usually write the people/pairings I read. :( Too bad this is not something that can be remedied with concrit haha.
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