Title: Wrecking Balls Inside My Brain
Word Count: 624
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Enter the Dragon"
Song: Fight Song- Rachel Platten
Characters/Pairings: Regina, Regina/Robin
Regina had done her best to gain absolution. But she had not been kind in the past, and so the past was not kind to her.
She had no illusions that everyone in Storybrooke had forgiven her for her past misdeeds; not to mention the curse that had brought them to Maine to begin with. Sure, most people were kind to her face now- perhaps after Zelena, the Ice Queen, and the reappearance of Ursula, Maleficent, and Cruella, the Evil Queen had begun to look like the lesser of the evils. But deep down, Regina knew that she’d never be accepted as a hero, not fully.
Some people were born heroes- and others were born to be villains, it seemed.
Regina knew which one she was.
She was trying to deal with her lot in life. Trying to make peace with the fact that she’d never have a happy ending. Emma’s little revival act of Marian, well that had to be fate slapping Regina in the face once again.
She had been happy- so happy with Robin. There was something about him that made her want to twirl about and sing and never stop smiling. He was her other half, she knew without a doubt.
And for the life of her, Regina wasn’t sure how she’d live without him-without Robin, she felt as if she was constantly treading water, lost in a world that didn’t completely make sense. Without Robin-she was merely surviving.
Happiness had been so close- and then wrestled away from her so cruelly. There was a part of her that wanted nothing more than to raise hell and make others feel her wrath. She’d done that in the Enchanted Forest, and it would be ever so easy to fall back into the same old routine.
But she wasn’t going to. She was going to fight.
It would be so easy to join back up with the Queens of Darkness- to join forces with Maleficent and company. With their powers combined, they could raise hell.
But Regina wasn’t going to. She was going to fight.
She wasn’t the Evil Queen any more. She had changed, been changed. By the love of Henry. Of Robin. (And even if she didn’t want to admit it, the love of the whole motley Charming family crew- she had a more caring relationship with her stepdaughter’s family than she’d ever had with any of her blood relations- well, save her father.) She even had a soft spot for Emma and her silly pirate.
Regina had loved the power that the Evil Queen had. Magic was intoxicating, and she’d relished that feeling. But she’d learned that she was more than her magic.
While she might not yet be a hero, Regina was more than a villain.
She could not define herself in terms of black and white- when she had realized that she was more like a kaleidoscope of chances and possibility. She had darkness in her; yes. It would always be there. But she had a great amount of hope and strength inside her that refused to be squelched.
Regina would trust herself. If she went down, if she lost at any point (not that she was going to do so, mind you), it would be on her terms.
She was going to fight. And if that meant going undercover for the heroes with the new evil clique in town, well then, that’s what she’d do.
Regina had a lot of fight left in her.
And no matter what, she wasn’t going to give up.
Storybrooke deserved better.
Snow and her family deserved better.
Robin deserved better.
Henry deserved better.
And so did she.
She would be happy.
Regina wasn’t going to give up. Not now, not ever.