When I was little, I walked around with a pillow pluffled under my shirt. And I’d proudly assert that I was going to have a baby and name her Stacey…or if it were a boy he’d go by Kurt. Since then I changed those names again and again to Jane and Wayne and even Shane.
It wasn’t until I became a teacher that I realized my names were really quite meager. Over the years I saw a 1Raeyn B’oh of trends that left me in pure 2XtC. Not to mention a 4Z’Cary, 5Bryt’knee, 6Kai’dance, and 7Channtz. And we can’t forget 8K’Rizma. Huh? Don’t fret, there will be a footnote for those incompetent in phonetic torment. Regardless of which, the main gist is that these names were…creatively rich?
With that in mind, I decided it was time to revamp my list. Because denying my future childling a trendy name would be worse than an ovarian cyst.
So I thoughted and plotted and finally came up with it:
9Ceetu H’Five.
Pronunciation? Ethel.
Yeah. I cracksz my own egg up!
1 Raeyn B’oh = Rain Bow
2 XtC = Ecstasy. Seriously.
3 Where is three? Sadly, this footnote thing may not be for me.
4 Z’Cary = Zachary
5 Bryt’knee = Britney.
6 Kai’dance = Cadence
7 Channtz = Chance
8 K’Rizma = Charisma
9 Ceetu H’Five = C2H5 and that, according to Wikipedia, is
the chemical formula for Ethyl.