Mar 15, 2011 20:18
My name’s not Alice. I’m not blonde or naïve but I truly believe I just lost my balance and heaved, hoved, and roved my way down a rabbit hole. E. Moly.
And it’s only Tuesday.
I must have swallowed that mushroom upon entering my classroom where the first thing that loomed was an insurmountable boom (boom, pow) as my candy tub plowed to the ground. That was when my students found it best to surround the sugar infested mound and let chaos resound.
And resound it did.
Johnny Bo’Bonny slid on the floor while Betty Jo’Jetty called Sally a whore.
“Oh no she didn’t,” but “she sho’ did” started the slew of words that were said. Then the head weaved while more words were conceived that could hardly be perceived and I sure was peeved. And perplexed.
What happened next was truly beyond measure as two of my kids sang a full two measures of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
I think I’ve gone mad, loony. You see my students are more than a tad kooky, they’re loopy. Afraid to behave, it’s a game of charades and I’m not entirely sure how any of us will make it past the second grade.
lj idol season 7,