First off, I worked my legs today. I think today's exercise was particularly ass-kicking. I feel pretty good.
Leg Press: 90x2, 100, 110 (Last Week I did 90x4)
Lying Leg Curls: 50, 60x2, 70
Seated Leg Curls: 130x2, 140, 150
Standing Calf Raises: 40x3, 60
Leg Extensions: 50x3, 60
Hip Abduction: 80, 100x2, 110 (I was trying to find my ability with this one -- I should have done 90.)
Hip Adduction: 90, 100x2, 110
15 minutes of cardio.
I should have done real squats, but opted instead to do a few at home with no resistance at all. This is because I am a fatass and find squats very difficult to do (even more difficult than last year when I weighed the same as I do now). I think in the future I'll start them on the smith machines with no added weight and work on it until I can perform the full range of motion with ease. Then I'll start to add weight, and once I've gotten to where I can do squats on the smith machine with 20-30lbs added, I'll start doing them free in the power cage without added weight. Then I'll work my way up from there.
I originally planned on splitting my whole body between 3 workout days a week, Mon-Wed-Fri with the rest just cardio, because I wanted to give my muscles the optimum amount of time to recover. However, that's long enough between working each section that I'm perpetually sore. So, I'll start working each section twice a week: Arms on Monday and Friday, Chest/Shoulders/Back on Tuesday and Saturday, Legs on Wednesday and Sunday, with Thursday being my only day off to do just cardio. I'll only increase my weights on Mon-Tues-Wed so I can have that extra day to recover and Fri-Sat-Sun to maintain. I'll start this out on Monday, and only update my lj gym-wise on my first workouts for each week.