Sneak preview of Danica's photo shoot with Ellen Dykstra:
CLICK Also, for anyone not on my Facebook, here is my current status message... Because everyone seems to want to know, yes, I gave birth with no epidural or pain meds. It was intense, but nothing I wasn't prepared for. Thanks to everyone who thought I couldn't do it and/or told me birth
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Comments 5
Man, now I feel like I should have given you my birth stories: BIRTH WAS AWESOME!
If I could skip the pregnancy bit and just do the birth part, I'd probably have 10 kids. For me, both times, it was just sort of...transcendental, if that makes any sense at all. When those babies came out of me, I felt more proud and accomplished than I ever had before and ever will again.
Anyway, I'll shut up now. I just can't even believe people would tell you that you couldn't do it without all that shit. That's just ieflqvblucyqvc.
Even though not everything went as planned and my labor was probably more intense than many (though I have no basis for comparison), I never felt anything that was unexpected and I never felt unprepared or unable to handle any of it.
A lot of people underestimated me by assuming I was as ill-prepared as they had been when they went into labor.
No one in my family has ever had a c-section or an epidural, unless you count my step-mom who's not related to me, was 41 when she was pregnant with her first child and had gestational diabetes. Thus, no one would even fathom saying something like that to a pregnant woman. I mean, natural is just how you plan on doing things until/unless it's too dangerous not to. To assume otherwise is just...beyond fucked up.
I'm glad you had a positive birth experience, that's awesome. :o)
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