So this is "meet the member" that christina was talking about. First its going to start with the mods. first me, then christina, then we will randomly pick one of the members the following week.
so without further ado...?
So if no one knew my name is Laura. and im your mod that doesn't talk as much as Christina does. :-P
My family is.....weird....i got my mom, my dad, my older brother, and 2 old sisters, and im the fun.
My favorite band is Finch. but my selection of music is really random. i like so much kinds of music that differ from each other. its strange.
i dont know what to really write. so if you wanna know something, i guess post a comment and ask? lol so i guess i'll post some random pictures.
big hair AHH.
wow, im a loser...
i love my kitty! :)
thats all i guess...sorry if some pics. are big.