1. The library is open daily during regular school hours, or 10-4(ish) on weekends. It may be opened after hours with special permission.
2. Students, faculty, and townspeople may check out any number of books for a period of two weeks if they have a library card. All students and faculty have received library cards at this time. Townies may handwave having applied for one or play it out.
3. We love having classes use the library for projects, but please give us an OOC heads up a day an advance so we can set up the OCD and call in reinforcements if we need them.
4. The library is fully equipped; it has books and magazines from all dimensions, multi-dimensional Internet access, and DVDs, VHS and CDs to meet your needs. The books are arranged roughly according to Dewey Decimal System, although the library may rearrange itself when we aren't looking. The materials are almost all on public shelves, except...
5. Certain materials are in Special Collections. The basics are that things are in SC if they:
I. Are obscene. You ARE in high school.
II. Are old, rare or otherwise extremely valuable.
III. Directly concern another character at Fandom High.
IV. Could be harmful -- for instance, instructions on building a bomb, or specific magical spells.
To get into Special Collections, students must have a note from a faculty member and link to it in the library thread. If you're researching another cast member, get and submit their OOC permission as well. Please let the library staff know that you want to go in there a few days in advance so we can moderate traffic. You should really only be going in there for plotty or class purposes.
Access to SC can be simple, but it's sentient, so sometimes things get ... interesting. (It's rumored to be not exactly in this world, and it's much larger inside than outside). If you want an SC adventure, let the library staff know at least 48 hours in advance and we will try to accommodate you. The current librarian is really not a fan of SC, so IC he'll probably balk at letting people in. OOCly, of course, it's up for grabs.
6. As always, in-character actions = in-character consequences. Meaning, if you want to play out stealing or vandalizing a book, or otherwise misusing the library, go for it, but the odds that you'll get caught are very, very high.
7. Library staff operate as a collective; sometimes, the aide on duty will need to check with the others before making a decision. Please be patient.
Sunday: Jono Starsmore
Monday: William Murdoch
Tuesday: Rinoa Heartilly
Wednesday: Gabrielle
Thursday: Cassidy & Zatanna Zatara
Friday: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Saturday: Blackagar Boltagon