Hi darling. I was wondering where I should post my application of emacticated_mafia. I dont want to flood your email with crap or anything like that. thanks xoxo
hi this is motoxangel04 my account was suspended. I was told that I was one of the 4 people trying to get into emanciated mafia. Well my account was deleted so if I was one of the 2 that you accepted could you accept me udner this name?
Hi, I was one of the 4 people trying to get into emanciatedmafia. I was the user motoxangel04 but I got suspended and this is my new name. I just wanted to let you know incase you chose me and my account was suspended. Thanks! Oh and lj is still having e-mail problems so I hope you get this. I also will notify the other mods!
Sorry if adding you freaked you out. Introduction time, I am friends with a few on your list and really like the way you see things, especially when it has to do with recovery and eating disorders.
Comments 7
Be nice to yourself. You rock n' roll.
Please add me back?
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