Aug 13, 2010 18:44


Castle, Merlin Panel and Signing

Molly was so cute in her Lt Uhura uniform! I passed by her leaving with her parents like an hour later in the crosswalk. I stared at Seamus a lot, not going to lie. Also lol one of the questions was like ~ There's more to Ryan and Esposito's relationship than what we see on screen, isn't there? and Seamus was like omg I was hoping nobody would bring that up and they emphasized the 'They are brothers!!' thing and that the relationship on screen is similar to their off. Oh, I see. If you haven't checked it out already, go see Nathan and Stana reading an excerpt from the Heat book, it is HILARIOUS. Nathan was very entertaining, anyone who asked a question that he liked got a present - originally he was just giving out double rainbow makers because he tweeted about the video I guess, but then he started just signing random stuff out of his bag. It's the awesome Canadian in him, obviously. We also got Castle aluminum water bottles! Overall I think this panel was the most successful in terms of time management because it had a really good balance of exclusive content (they showed three videos), a couple moderator questions, but lots of fan questions as well.

It is a miracle I have any photos at all of this panel, nevermind useable ones, because I was so excited/nervous.

One drawback of shooting at Comic Con: the mics. But top right!!!

Colin's face in that last one is so mischievous, I love it.

THIS IS COLIN MORGAN'S FACE WHILE HE'S LOOKING/LAUGHING/TALKING TO ME. Sadly I didn't get any of me talking to Tony. Just for reference, the fourth picture is the same as the third, just not as closely cropped. Those are my hands.

picspam, comic con

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