Apr 03, 2014 09:39
Same name I wanted to use, different character
B is for Brendan
Brendan stood in the crowd and listened to the impassioned speech made by the woman on the makeshift stage in front of him. Although Brendan agreed that changes needed to made, he was at heart a pacifist. He believed, like Gandhi, you had to become the change you wanted to make in the world. The woman at the front of the crowd was dressed in clothes that probably cost the equivalent of a month of Brendan's wages, and she'd driven up in a car worth more than he made in a year. Brendan doubted she had ever had to juggle her budget to somehow pay rent and buy food.
Brendan could hear others in the crowd echoing his thoughts. Brendan knew that this attempt at societal change would fail like so many before it. Society could not and would not change while the people advocating change still accepted all the benefits of the system they claimed to dislike.
One day change would come and probably come with the force and velocity of a flash flood or volcano. But that day was not today.
a to z