Evan is the #2992 most common female name. 0.002% of females in the US are named Evan. Around 2550 US females are named Evan! source namestatistics.com
Wow, cool stuff.
My mom woke me up at freaking 6 A.M. to help out with the Garage sale... Whatever.
i hate my name. hahacheshirecat1212November 29 2003, 09:50:01 UTC
Steven is the #18 most common male name. 0.78% of men in the US are named Steven. Around 955500 US men are named Steven! source namestatistics.com
Hernandez is the #29 most common last name. 0.192% of last names in the US are Hernandez. Around 480000 US last names are Hernandez! source namestatistics.com
Comments 2
Steven is the #18 most common male name.
0.78% of men in the US are named Steven.
Around 955500 US men are named Steven!
source namestatistics.com
Hernandez is the #29 most common last name.
0.192% of last names in the US are Hernandez.
Around 480000 US last names are Hernandez!
source namestatistics.com
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