so here is the deal:
...i got a call from gila [my boss] and he said that paul [the other boss..they're brothers] needs me to come in tomorrow [my day off] because he needs to talk to me....
i have a really bad feeling about this guys.
so, if i could have your prayers, that'd be super awesome.
now, the background on the situation is, they think i talk to much to people that come in [especially my friends] and they feel like i don't do my job when "all i do is talk" the thing is, i do talk alot..but i do my job...i do the most work of all the people that work there [except betty...because she is like non-stop cleaning,stocking......] but i never work with her....anyway....blah blah...they promised me 40hrs a week [which i NEED]..i got it the first 2 weeks of november..then i went to TN for thanksgiving....well...around comes december..and i have 12 days. 12 effing days. total. so..i'm looking for a new job...i think that may have gotten back to them somehow......
i dunno....i'll give ya'll an update tomorrow...
12.10.05==== no more job.
12.14.05---NEW JOB.
to hottttt to handle.