YOU SHOULD'VE WINKED AT HIM!! A friendly little flirting will not lead you to a life of horrible drama. You're just too paranoid XXD Don't look after your friends' footsteps! Their love lives were... well, needless to say pretty crappy.
XXD Okay, look at me! My rel... wait, no, bad example. Okay, moving on. Like i said, if you WINKED at him, you're not MARRIED to him. Girl, let it go XD Besides, he's male!! You won't be the only one afraid of commitment!! You owe it to yourself to at least go on something CASUAL!! It doesnt have to be French restaurant with chandelliars!! Feel free to at least WINK at a guy!!
i agree ::bops goldyfute for the relational comments even thought there true:: >.< go live alittle and for crying out loud a WINK sheesh girl you wink at me all the time ^.~ and of corse i rember the dancing we need to hook other people up just so we can go to weddings and dance like that agian ^__^
Comments 4
::bops goldyfute for the relational comments even thought there true:: >.<
go live alittle
and for crying out loud
sheesh girl
you wink at me all the time ^.~
and of corse i rember the dancing
we need to hook other people up just so we can go to weddings and dance like that agian ^__^
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