Title: Package Deal Author: Mamaboolj Pairing, Characters: Karl/Kara and Hera Spoilers: Through Rapture and then for rjsteamboat76's WIP Poetry Rating: G Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I just fill in some blanks. Please don’t sue.
Fic: In The Beginning Rating: PG Spoilers: None, really Summary: Kara/Helo. Kara/Lee. AU. Fluffy angst, if such a combo exists. Because this is much more fun than depressing post-Revelations fic.
Fic: And Then Some Author: riane Rating: R for sensuality. Spoilers: Season 4. Summary: Kara/Helo. Completely AU, because this Revelations business is depressing the hell out of me. Set Pre-MIniseries.
Title: Fast Friends Authors: volatile/becisvolatile Part: 1/1 Rating: G Characters: Kara, Helo Genre: Ficlet and, unless I’m very much mistaken, this might actually be gen. Not that I’d know the meaning of the word. Word Count: 600+ Summary: She didn’t like Karl C. Agathon. Not at first. Disclaimer: Not my sandpit.