you read this - if your eyes are passing over this right now - please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want (good or bad) BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE
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do you remeber that time we went to that michael jackson concert, and he pulled you up on stage to sing the free willy song with him? only then you accidentally kicked a stage light, which melted part of his face , and i got jackson face on my birkenstocks. you felt really bad so we went to germany to get them fixed, and while they were being repaird we had some schitzel and you were mistaken for david hasselhoff ( i have no idea how that happened) and were kidnapped by ecstatic german teenage girls. geez louise that was a international mess and a half getting you back to the states. and hey never did fix my shoes.
so, remember that time in ms. jackson's psyc class when she tried to get us all to join her cult? of course we refused - i mean, everyone likes candy but i think she was taking it a bit too far.
Comments 9
Way to late to be creative. Accounting final tomorrow. Eek!
Good luck!
Wow. I think I took the meanness thing up a notch.
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