OK. We finally have 2!! But I'm going to go ahead and leave this until Friday. I'll make a final decision then. Here is my contribution to the prompt.
Title: Channel Surfing
Rating: G
Media: Fic
Pairing/Characters: Luffy, Nami, Usopp and mentions of Brook
Word Count: 208
Prompt: Resonance
He'd been sitting at the table all day fiddling with the knobs and switching from station to station on the old radio Franky had managed to get working. He would turn the dial until he found a clear transmission and the stare at the glass sitting next to the radio. Usopp stood scratching his head and shrugged his shoulders at the navigator when she looked to him for an explination. Finally Nami braved asking the question.
"Luffy, what are you doing?"
"I'm trying to break the glass!" Luffy looked up at her exasperated, as if what he was doing should be clear as day.
"How in the world is changing the station supposed to accomplish that? The only way you're going to get that glass to break is to hit it with something."
"But Brook said that he could break a glass with sound." Luffy sat there wide eyed. "He said we had to find the right frequency so I could reason with the glass and it would break."
Nami smiled and patted him on the head. "Resonate. You're trying to make it resonate. "
Luffy grinned and began changing the stations again. Who knew. Maybe he'd succeed in breaking the glass, or at least smash the device.