Title: The Right Way
Rating: PG - language
Media: fic
Characters: Sanji, Zoro
Word Count: 218
Prompt: pernickety
I'd have to agree that out of all the Straw Hats, Sanji is the biggest fuss pot *lol* This one is for (*cough* fans of Sam & Max) all my lovely soul mates who know that sometimes being called pernickety is the price you pay to get it RIGHT.
“There’s a point to my method, it’s just that a shit-head like you can’t see it,” Sanji huffed.
“Yeah. The point is to be a pedantic ass,” Zoro smirked, obviously proud of this incredibly witty comeback.
“How’d you even learn that word? Don’t you have something better to do!?” Sanji waved towards the deck in what he hoped was a suggestive manner.
“I’m not going to do it differently just because you’re staring at me!!!”
“I’m not staring at you.”
“Your eyeballs are bulging out!”
Zoro shrugged and made a grunting noise that Sanji guessed was some kind of argument. It was all Zoro ever did after all: snore, swear and generally be a shit.
“Just… get out of the way!”
“So what is it then?”
“The point. If there’s some great reason to do it that way then what is it?”
Sanji put the knife down and counted to twenty.
“Well?” the mossy eyebrows drew together in a confused caterpillar of concentration.
“Better? Seriously?”
“Better.” Zoro smirked widely as Sanji pushed him bodily out of the kitchen and slammed the door.
Finally, the forgiving silence enveloped him.
Cut the cucumber lengthwise! What the hell was that idiot thinking?!