Title: Vow
Rating: T
Media: fic
Characters: two OCs
Word Count: 299 (without title)
Prompt: Misinterpretation
A little experiment.
the poneglyphs told the true history-
The Queen shakes as she points to the door.
“Never dare to step into this country again!”
The Queen finally sees reason and cuts her ties with the Ancient Kingdom-
“You had to protect your people. Alone hiding this place could mean your death.”
She had the gall to understand. To smile here, under the Royal Tombs, as if she wasn’t about to die with her own nation.
"So I forgive you!"
The Knight laughs as the flames engulf her.
“Is that all you can do to kill us?!”
The Knight has gone mad in despair as the superior forces destroy her country. They will create a new world on its ashes, and the name of the Ancient Kingdom will be forgotten-
“The true history is going to survive.”
She dove into her project with all her passion, as she was wont to do. Once she achieved what she needed, she held no regret.
She had finished her masterpiece, which heralded her death.
“Why are you staying in Alabasta, Queen Nefertari? The Holy Land awaits you!”
“That place couldn't offer me anything I wanted-”
“The world will forget. Your country will forget. Your family will forget. But through these writings, we will be heard.”
The stone block stood detached in the chamber’s middle, under the sand and rock, where no stars, no moon, no sun shone, and the ocean was so far away.
The Queen wanted to imprint its inscriptions into her mind; wanted to hear her voice again.
“Just promise me that you will never become like them.”
Did she forget about their oldest promise, made as children to each other? It went both ways.
“You will never be alone.” She said. Tears flowed across the carvings. “We will protect your will.”