Real Name: Benjamin M. Harpster
Prefered Name: Ben or Zio
Age: 19
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 6'4
Likes: Sleeping, reading, playing games
Dislikes: Fanboys/girls, being alone, cold weather
Assets: I can read large amounts of text in short amounts of time, I listen to people's problems, and I refuse to give up on things that are important.
Weaknesses: I bungee between indecisivess and impulsive, I'm paranoid, and I ramble.
Hobbies: Maintaining my made up religion, collecting strategy guides, ranting on my LJ.
Describe your appearance with 3 adjectives: Blend in unnoticed
Describe your personality with 3 adjectives: Eccentric, lazy, egotistical
How would you rate yourself as a friend? Above average.
You have a free afternoon with nothing in particular to do. How do you spend it? Doing whatever I feel like doing at the moment. Mostly sleeping or playing games.
What sort of devil's fruit would you most like to aquire? Doa Doa, Mane Mane, or Goro Goro fruit
Which of the pirate crews or organisations would you belong to? Kuro Neko Pirates, CP9, or Barque Works
What do you call a fish with no eye? A Fsh.
How did you find this community? Found it in Irrestiblemnt's profile.
Anything else?: Should be mentioned that the religion I made up is not about worshipping me. It's just the belief that God exists...and he's an asshole.
(5 month old photo posing like an evil genius)