Real Name: Claire
Prefered Name: Claire (or Klayr XD)
Age: 18
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Height: 5'6 1/4"
For each of the following chose no more than 3 things.
Likes: having fun, sleep, and being with friends
Dislikes: getting headaches, being depressed, and heat
Assets: easy to work with, sense of humor, amused easily
Weaknesses: self guilt, short temper, and getting annoyed easily
Hobbies: roleplaying, drawing, and knitting
Describe your appearance with 3 adjectives: classic, thin, pretty
Describe your personality with 3 adjectives: spontaneous, fun, energetic
How would you rate yourself as a friend? Pretty damn loyal, good listener, I can always make something fun.
You have a free afternoon with nothing in particular to do. How do you spend it? Well, if I have transportation, I'd gather my friends up and hang out, maybe see a movie or just be stupid at each others' houses. XD
What sort of devil's fruit would you most like to aquire? Acquire's spelled wrong. But anyway, I wouldn't want one, because I like to swim too much. :3
Which of the pirate crews or organisations would you belong to? The Akagami/Red Hair Pirates!
What do you call a fish with no eye? Your mom?
How did you find this community? Through some other OP fan. XD
Anything else?:
Oh, my pictures!