Real Name: Paisley.
Prefered Name: Paisley is fine. :D
Age: 16.
Zodiac sign: Gemini.
Height: 5'6"
For each of the following chose no more than 3 things.
Likes: Anime, Manga, Music.
Dislikes: Onions. :\
Assets: Confident, Awesome, Hilarious.
Weaknesses: I get attached to people very easily.
Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Painting.
Describe your appearance with 3 adjectives: Tan, Teh Shex, Pretty. :D I told you I have self-confidence.
Describe your personality with 3 adjectives: Cool, Happy, Fun.
How would you rate yourself as a friend? I'm a verrrrry good friend.
You have a free afternoon with nothing in particular to do. How do you spend it?: I'd probably just laze around. :\
What sort of devil's fruit would you most like to aquire? I don't really know. I would much rather use a weapon, like swords. Swords are always cool.
Which of the pirate crews or organisations would you belong to? Straw Hat Pirates of course.
What do you call a fish with no eye? A blind fish? :D
How did you find this community? I searched up One Piece and found it.
Anything else?: Nope. :D
Finally, please post at least 1 clear picture of yourself behind an LJ-cut.
I just had to post the ones of me with my One Piece plushies. :D