Clothing/Appearance: Nita tends somewhere between "really baggy comfortable clothing"/"modestly trendy" depending on what she feels like when she gets up. She's usually in some sort of jeans or cutoffs, and T-shirt and sneakers. She always has a charm bracelet on that if looked at by a mage is actually a bunch of almost-ready spells. Her hair is touching her shoulder blades, and she only sometimes wears it in a ponytail, so it mostly matches her icons, except that it should show blond in the light.
Habits/Mannerisms/Body Language:Nita touches her braclet if she's nervous, or chews at her lip, or hunches over (she's self-concious about the fact she's tall for her age by about half a head.)
She'll also talk to herself in the speech or appear to: she'll be talking to inanimate objects. Also, she will occasionally walk out of nowhere or on the air or something. It happens, you know.
If she's alone, she's reading. Period. She's read most of the library's permanent collection. This is not as big of a feat as it looks: by the beginning of the series, she'd done this to most of the YA section in her local library.
Current Residence: Wizardling tents! So, you know, wherever. Mason is on her couch, I think.
Typical Daily Routine: Nita wakes up in time for breakfast. She walks over to the mess hall, unless it's pouring buckets or snowing, and then she teleports. She has her shower after breakfast and the daily moving of camp. After that, she goes around to check out interesting places in camp or places she's set up spells or was talking to something. After lunch, she checks up on people and hangs out, or works on her precognition. She bakes at least once a week, because doing wizardry consumes a lot of personal energy, as well.
Favourite Haunts: Mess hall, library, out in the wilds, the tents.
Makes own bed?:Yes, although sometimes it's not a perfect job.