Two days back from fall break, and I've screwed up already. I completely forgot that I had a Biology exam toay. I'm worried I'm going to have to drop that class...except, wait. Know something funny? I just realized that I CAN'T drop that class. I'm not taking enough credit hours. NOW what? *sighs* I screwed up my speech this morning too.
This computer is weird too...It capitalizes random letters and turns off the period and comma keys as it sees fit. Maybe I should use one of the solutions offered to me in my Bio exam this morning. Question #1, answer E was "Hit it with a hammer". I've never heard of anything remotely relating to Biology that requires something to be smacked with a hammer.
This computer, however, is a different story all together.
So, I didn't have lab today, so I'm at work. I get to work to find that one of my co-workers helped me out by putting all of my traffic reports into a database for me. Sweet, right? And a bit of good luck on my part. No. She did it in Access, the whole thing. Access isn't compatible with our mapping software. At least not easily. So screw my luck, huh?
I have a flag football game tonight at 7. I don't feel like playing, it's been so cold that my asthma's kicked into full gear and my chest has been hurting for about three days...once again though, with my luck, I'll have to play so that we have enough people.
Really, this has been nothing more than complaining, but to me, it's just stating facts. *grins* I'll lj-cut it, so that people can be warned...I just do this for myself every once in a while, so that it's not in my head anymore, and I'm free and clear to do some work! :)
I feel better, so, I'm off!