OneTenPercent: damnit, my bagel is gone
SDN Net 3: hmm
SDN Net 3: where did it go
OneTenPercent: iunno
OneTenPercent: i dont think i ate it
OneTenPercent: but i cant find it
OneTenPercent: maybe i ate it
SDN Net 3: i should conjure up a theory of the bagle
SDN Net 3: just a theory as to what happened to this 'supposed' bagel
OneTenPercent: hahaha, you're such a schmuck
SDN Net 3: well
OneTenPercent: you'd be a lot more impressive if you could just fucking conjure up the bagel, and then i wouldn't need the fuckin' theory, eh?
SDN Net 3: i would do one for you too
SDN Net 3: but long distance conjuring is so expensive these days
SDN Net 3: i don't have the best rates
OneTenPercent: i'd always thought that the rates for conjuring were pretty much flat.
SDN Net 3: thats what they want you to think
SDN Net 3: then you start signing contracts
SDN Net 3: and they dump all kinds of extra charges on you
OneTenPercent: they always stick it to you with the cream cheese, the bastards