
Jun 12, 2006 15:29

for those of you who have not heard erin and i will be moving to atlanta. we were going to move in 5-6 months, but as it turns out, our house sold within 5-6days on the market, so we are forced to leave nashville on July 19th. (but we did make some awesome money off of it.....esp for only living there for 1 year ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

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onethirtyeight June 12 2006, 21:12:01 UTC
will do. thanks dude.


johnny_moronic June 12 2006, 20:56:41 UTC


onethirtyeight June 12 2006, 21:15:35 UTC
you are welcome to join us tj......atlanta is bigger which equal more girls meaning you can get laib more. and you could open a demos'


johnny_moronic June 12 2006, 21:24:15 UTC
i love getting laib.


onethirtyeight June 12 2006, 21:40:53 UTC
liab??? wtf is that tj???


tampsteve June 12 2006, 21:04:56 UTC
Good luck Kent!


elevatorboy13 June 12 2006, 21:05:36 UTC
I hope that this works out well for you two! Depending on which part of ATL you guys move to, you guys might be a little closer to that ham now!!! Which, of course, means closer to me and Rachel!


onethirtyeight June 12 2006, 21:11:36 UTC
you guys better still come and visit. ima try my best to steal the other nashvillians and take them with us.


johnnygrits June 12 2006, 21:27:21 UTC
Ahhh I don't like changes! Know we'll have to go on a tour of the South-east to visit all you guys. On the other hand, two close friends of Lydias and mine are moving from Boston to Atlanta so we will probably be there more!


onethirtyeight June 12 2006, 21:41:44 UTC
we are getting some where with an extra bed room so you guys are always welcome.


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