surprise! ^^ semi-friends cut

Jul 10, 2010 21:20

I am always shocked when I find certain people in my friend's page who aren't familiar to me, some might have added me because of the fics, some because they said they wanted to be friends with me, some because they were a kyumin shipper too... etc

Here's the thing... If you added me because of these reasons, I have some rationale for you. )

type: ranting, mei: a demanding bitch

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Comments 16

vin11lover July 10 2010, 13:33:46 UTC
so sorry.. i think i'm one of this category..
i still want to be your friend.. i just didnt realize that you have your msn on your profile.. so, can i add your msn now?

user name: vin11lover
why did you add me last time?: err.. i was your stalker? now i fell like blushing to admit it once again.. >.>
why do you want to stay as my friend?: i want to have someone to talk about kyumin.. or fanfic.. or suju..just being crazy.. is that okay?
are you willing to talk to me if you stay as a mutual friend? if so, promise me. :( of course.. I promise *cross my heart*


onetruemei July 11 2010, 01:54:07 UTC
Don't worry, I won't remove you~ :)
We're talking now anyway~ kekeke~

I will say it again that I never knew you were older than me. XD


vin11lover July 11 2010, 02:05:23 UTC
thx to make it clear.. D8 now i feel old. LOL

well, when i check your profile again, you did put your msn.. *shot*

well, i was reckless.. that's the reason.. *making excuses*


onetruemei July 11 2010, 02:06:38 UTC
Hahahaha~ that's okay babe~ <33333
Kekekekekeke~ Had a nice sleep?


dbsjdelight July 10 2010, 13:45:35 UTC
sorry! >< I am those that.. don't really comment much. I got really lazy and such..

user name: you know me~
why did you add me last time?: because we talked, and became related? xD
why do you want to stay as my friend?: because ILOVEYOU ♥
are you willing to talk to me if you stay as a mutual friend? if so, promise me. :( Of course! I promise you~~ /promise with all my heart :D


onetruemei July 11 2010, 01:54:42 UTC
But you never talk to me nowadays. /frowns big time
Aunt misses you~ <333333


dbsjdelight July 11 2010, 02:45:11 UTC
I'm sorry. I'll talk to you more often, I promise. I'll cling onto you until you feel I'm irritating and want to chase me away xDDD
I miss you too~~ ♥♥♥


xkeirafanx July 10 2010, 13:59:44 UTC
yes, I belong to those people who don't comment that much...up to almost never *sorry*

user name: xKeirafanx
why did you add me last time?: I'm part of the HPI family and you're my Unnie ♥
why do you want to stay as my friend?: because I love Unnie and the family
are you willing to talk to me if you stay as a mutual friend? if so, promise me. :( : I promise that I will try, I have forgotten to look out for your writing stuff and such, I will pay more attention in the future


onetruemei July 11 2010, 01:55:57 UTC
Well, you didn't add me for the fics anyway, so it's okay that you don't comment, it's even okay that you don't read the fics since I know that KyuMin isn't your bias. XDDDDD

but talk to unnie more~???


xkeirafanx July 11 2010, 11:25:32 UTC
I will try my best Unnie ♥


gween_taiyou July 10 2010, 21:55:18 UTC

do you have a twitter acc? i feel like we have a lot in common when it comes to super junior and we'd make good spazzing buddies :3 plus, i'm more active there, sooo, yea x]
feel free to delete me here, though, if you want to. no hard feelings :D


gween_taiyou July 10 2010, 21:56:46 UTC
oh, and i'm kinda in love with your lj layout. guh, too fucking gorgeous.


onetruemei July 10 2010, 22:10:45 UTC
yes i have~

^^ just follow me and send me a DM for me to know that it's you~ <333

And I love it too~ augh~ i don't understand how someone can be so effing gorgeous like efff~ XDDDD


gween_taiyou July 10 2010, 23:36:36 UTC
erm, i can't send you a dm unless you're following me. >___o'
i'm @gheigheiogongil
i already followed you C:

btw, my name's anne. um, i'm kind of a bitch, so don't take me and my random tweets too seriously :3


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