And so it ends, and so it begins...

Oct 30, 2004 12:50

Well, they were right about one thing-the eclipse signified the end of one time, and the beginning of another...what a shame, i was just getting comfortable too. Basically most of my friends have left by now, (but hey, i'm almost used that this by now anyway) except the ones i knew would never leave...I can think of about 4 or 5 of them, you guys ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

Yeh well.... dorkntrouble October 30 2004, 23:00:42 UTC
Yes, we have different lifestyles, but we are more similar than some may think. Yes friends love you. I can vouch for myself. And even them this time. I love you and you have been the closest person to me this year. I trust you and I got your back and you've got mine. You and I are here for the long haul, as friends at least. Hopefully you and I will stay strong as more. But no matter what, I won't ever go anywhere b/c you are my best friend first. xoxo..Kat.


xohunnybunnyox October 30 2004, 23:55:07 UTC
Preston you know I am always here for you! I am here for you as a partner and as a friend! You dont have to worry about me dumping you as a friend! I have your back always, and our friendship will just grow till the end!


xohunnybunnyox October 31 2004, 00:13:40 UTC
Partner as in practice of W_ _ _A not as a partner in love sorry had to varify that with what is going on! And I have to say that Preston and Kat you two are the cutest couple in school! NO DOUBT!!


dorkntrouble October 31 2004, 05:58:27 UTC
Oh Ann, you're too cute sometimes. Now what I want to know is who wrote that damn poem on my journal on the 25th of October. Honestly, I want to talk with them about it. And if it was one of u guys let me know lol.


suikurai November 1 2004, 02:03:58 UTC
it may seen as though i am angry with some of you, and i may be, but dont let it ruin the friendships that we have built. i need some time to realize that i am nothing more than a mere weakling and that although i may be rooted somewhere else, i am here and there is nothing i can do about appologize to you and i hoe that u wont take my recent outburst of naturality as a sign of things to come. please forgive the behavior of this weekend, im swallowing my pride and asking for another chance. i thank you all.


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